The Search for Happiness: Key Insights from Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s Speech

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati was a distinguished spiritual leader and Hindu scholar renowned for his profound understanding of Vedic scriptures. His teachings emphasized the importance of devotion, divine knowledge, and realizing God within one’s life. Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s legacy endures, inspiring and guiding followers around the world. The following excerpt from one of his speeches clarifies how to experience peace of mind and increase our love for God.

“Why are people rushing after various attainments and achievements in the world? Nobody is settled. Everyone is restless. What is the reason? What is everyone striving for? Complete peace, satisfaction, tranquility of the mind, and love. How are they trying to find this? Through perception and thinking.

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You perceive something and then you decide what is helpful and useful for you to attain peace, love or satisfaction. First you decide and then you act. In all of these activities your mind plays the main role. Your soul is looking for Divine love, the perfect love, nothing else. You get some pleasure from the world, but that pleasure is temporary and material. It doesn’t reach your inner self. It only stays in your conscious mind and so your soul is never satisfied. Whatever emotions you feel, negative or positive are in your conscious mind. Your conscious mind has all the worries and stress and because it is stressful, you need to relax.

There are thousands of forms of technical meditations that people use to relax. They are only on the conscious level and have temporary benefits. All technical meditations are concerned with the training of the mind. Suppose you are sitting and concentrating on your eyebrows, or looking at a flame and trying to engross yourself in that thinking. Then you try to become completely peaceful. Such technical practices happen in your brain and can only help you tranquilize your mind to a certain degree. The effect of technical meditation stays only in your conscious mind. Expressing love is from the heart and intellectual and technical practice is from the brain.

God is omnipresent. Just love Him to receive His love. Open your heart then He can reach you. When God’s Grace and your effort unite then a link is formed. That link is called, “divine love consciousness”.

Meditation in divine-love-consciousness positively affects all the layers and sections of your mind and uproots the original cause of your mental stress and afflictions. In Divine love meditation you bring your awareness to the heart and think of God with love. Be in your heart and remember your Divine Beloved.

Supreme God Krishn says in the Gita,



“Oh Arjun, you are most loving to Me. That’s why I am revealing the secret of secrets to you.”



“Give your emotional mind to Me, love Me, worship Me, surrender to Me and I will give Myself to you.” Trust in the words of Krishn and have faith in the teachings of the Saints who reveal the secrets of devotion. Then your mind will naturally be more peaceful, and you will experience the deepest desire of your soul­ love and affinity for your Beloved God.”

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