Swami Prakashanand Saraswati was a distinguished spiritual leader and Hindu scholar renowned for his deep understanding of Vedic scriptures. His teachings emphasized the importance of devotion, divine knowledge, and realizing God within one’s life. Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s legacy endures, inspiring and guiding followers around the world. In his book “The Divine Vision of Radha Krishn” Swami Prakashanand Saraswati elaborates on the principle elucidated by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita: “ये यथा मां प्रपद्यन्ते तांस्तथैव भजाम्यहम्”।, to explain that “Krishn has no preference of His own. Whatever style of love and dedication you offer to Him, He will make it Divine and give it to you.”
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Read on to learn more about our relationship with God and the various qualities of Divine love.
A person working in a big company under the immediate boss does not directly know about the supreme boss, the proprietor of that firm, whose main office is in another country. Technically he is working for the supreme boss, but apparently, he is being paid by the immediate boss (on behalf of the supreme boss). Similarly, all the bhaktas (devotees) of every class and kind are technically related to Krishn, but the Grace of Krishn they receive is in that form of God which they have conceived in their heart.
Take it like this: all the almighty forms of God and Goddess are established in ahladini power, and ahladini power is established in Mahabhao or Radha Krishn. It is thus the expansion of Radha Krishn’s Grace which is seen and found in all the Divine abodes, and in all the forms of God and Goddess. A devotee is worshipping God Shiv. He receives Shiv’s vision and enters His abode. It could be said that: (a) Shiv has Graced him and given him His Divine abode, or (b) Krishn has Graced him in the form of God Shiv and awarded him Shiv’s abode according to his faith and dedication to that form of God. So, apparently, he has received Shiv’s Grace, but, constitutionally, that Divine Grace originated from Krishn.
This is what Krishna says in the Gita, “ये यथा मां प्रपद्यन्ते तांस्तथैव भजाम्यहम्॥”. It means that, on complete purification of the heart, He serves and awards (भजामि) Divine experience to every devotee according to his conception and the quality of dedication during his devotional period (यथा प्रपद्यन्ते).
Conception means the form of God a devotee desires to attain, like Vishnu, Shiv, Durga, Ram, Krishn, or nirakar, etc., and the quality of dedication means the quality of selflessness in devotion. It means, if he only desires to love Him and receive His love, or he has combined feelings of enjoying music luxuries (mundane, celestial, or Brahmlok) and also receiving His vision. Krishn has no personal preference. He is the giver. Whatever is the conception and quality of your dedication and devotion, He will give it to you.
If you only wish for liberation, He will give you liberation without any Blissful experience. If you desire for worldly kingship, celestial kingship or the seat of the creator Brahma, He will give you that also. But when you enter the Divine abode your classification of Divine Blissfulness will not be the same as other selfless devotee Saints of that abode, because your selflessness was blemished by your worldly desires from God during the devotional period.
If you desire for Vaikunth Bliss (the bhagwadanand), He will give you that. If you desire for Saket or Dwarika Bliss (premanand mixed with the almightiness), He will give you that. If you want pure premanand which is desired by Brahma and Uddhao, Krishn will also give you that kind of love which Brajwasis had, and if you still desire for the highest form of premanand, Radha Krishn will give you the love of madhuryabhao of Braj (Golok) which is longed for and desired by Shiv and the supreme Goddess of Vaikunth, Mahalakshmi. There is still one more, the ultimate experience of madhuryabhao of Divine Vrindaban. It is Graced by Radha Rani. You must know that the devotional requirement of all of the above mentioned Divine attainments is the same. So why not desire for the Vrindaban Bliss where Raseshwari Radha Rani, along with Krishn, personally cares for each and every Devotee Saint and gives Her maximum love which everyone in Divine Vrindaban experiences with every pore of his Divine body.
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