Swami Prakashanand Saraswati on God’s Omnipresence in the Material World

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati is known as a profound spiritual leader whose teachings centered on understanding the Divine essence and its relationship with the material world. He illuminates how the material plane is rife with limitations, temporary happiness, and pain. The Divine dimension, however, is beyond time and space and offers unlimited, eternal bliss. In his discourse, Swami Prakashanand Saraswati emphasized that only through devotion to Radha-Krishn can one truly transcend worldly suffering and attain the ultimate state of Divine consciousness.

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati teaches that…

Two entirely different dimensions eternally exist: the Divine dimension (Divine world) and the material dimension (material world). There is no comparison of any kind between the two; like day and night, they are entirely different.

Here, in the material world, we have uncountable galaxies. In one galaxy there are billions of stars and millions of earth planets in which people live; there are unlimited worlds in this universe. There is no example in the material plane that could relate to the Divine phenomena, but Saints try to explain something to give some idea of its existence.

Both the material and Divine dimensions are unlimited and eternal. Your mind, which is material is conditioned to the time and space factor. All your observations and every single perception signifies time and space. Suppose you want to travel from India to America. To go from one place to another requires time; to travel the several thousand-mile distance is a sixteen-hour flight. If you are in India, you cannot be in America at the same time. In the material world, from a speck of dust to the biggest quasar, everything is spot existent-existing at one particular place at a specific time. This is the natural nature of this cosmos.

The Divine world is beyond time and space factors. There is nothing common between the Divine world and this world; they are totally opposite in nature. The material dimension is full of limitations, reservations, pains, limited happiness, and a multitude of emotional disappointments. Whereas the Divine world is the form of absolute, Divine Bliss and is omnipresent as well as within its own Divine Dimension.

It is impossible to intellectually understand the nature of Divine omnipresence because your thinking is based on the timely, spot-existent character of Maya.

When a soul becomes a Saint, he enters the Divine dimension. With a Divine mind, he experiences and understands Divinity. Even if he comes back to help the souls, he remains beyond the bondage and limitations of the material world. The Gita says: “Yadgatwananivartyante…” Once you reach Divinity you are forever in the loving association with Radha- Krishn.

A Rasik Saint perceives whatever he wishes. There is full freedom, joy, and privacy in experiencing Krishn-love; whatever style of Krishn love he desires to experience, it is there.

Krishn is omnipresent; it means that He is everywhere in this world. Suppose a devotee is doing Krishn devotion, wherever he is and in whatever situation he is, on complete purification of his heart, Krishn will reveal Himself there and then, because He is omnipresent.

Everything in the Divine world is the expansion of Krishn’s own Divine personality. Krishn Himself, with all of His virtues and in His full potency has become His own abode. In that abode ‘everything’ is Bliss. The original blissfulness of the entire Divine realm is the reward of “Yogamaya”; the “beyond imagination, impossibles” are made possible in the Divine world with the grace of Yogamaya. This is the personal power of Krishn and the life force of the Divine phenomena.

The soul is blessed with that power when he becomes a Saint, and with that power, he experiences the unlimited, absolute Bliss of Radha- Krishn in His abode forever and forever. In Conclusion, The Divine realm, as Swami Prakashanand Saraswati explains, is beyond material constraints and offers eternal bliss through Krishn’s loving Grace. Devotees who purify their hearts are graced with the ultimate joy of Radha-Krishn’s Divine love, eternally unbound by time and space.

Find Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s teachings in his books—available here now.